Thursday, June 4, 2009

first day of yearbook 2009

soooo im am in yearbook at the moment listen to the idiots talking about what they wanna write on the blog... ahhh i really dnt know what to put . +[ well my day is ok i ate so i guess im full . i feel psycho . ummmm christinas's annoying me , brittany's vocie is killing my ear , chen swears he knows everything , andrez is such a lame , kimmys is such a flipping diva ahhh, junior chat tooo much , erica one likkle confusing likkle girl , and last and least monque need a next crew . yehhhhh..... christina's shoes are ugly ,andrez fava one battyboy, chen one high basterd , kimmy model wanna be behind , erika duty rass . junior still chat too much ... alrite im done hating . didnt have anything better to write. oh and i love the ones i jus hated on . conde sunshine head ahhh lol .

Love and Soccer

There lived a girl next door named Terry. She had just moved from Florida to west Cali. She was one of the best players on her soccer team . Leaving her team was disappointment to her and her family. Kevin noticed a moving truck in next door . He went over to greet Terry's family . Everyone said hi except for Terry. 2 years past and Terry had joined her high school soccer team . Kevin was on the boys soccer team also . The big game was coming up and everyone went to see Kevin play. Seating aside the Field a girl asked terry to hook her up with Kevin, SEE Kevin was the cutest boy in school so every girl wanted to go to the spring fling with him . Terry later told Kevin what the girl had said and being cocky he gave a big smile. Later that night at the spring fling Kevin and the girl were dancing on the floor Terry didn't have a date . Because her focus was on soccer she had no time to associate with boys . That's what everyone believed. The truth was she had her eye on one boy and he was Kevin. Will she tell him how she feel would the love for the two thing she was interesting in the most combind .................


What you think? about my smile and my eyes . Do you care for my hair or the colors i wear. Does my beauty cross your eyes in any direction or you yu think of whats between these thighs . "Oh damn she sooo sexy" NOT EVEN A QUESTION ABOUT MY EDUCATION . Wouldn't you like to know where i'm from . Naw you jus wanna see how good i could throw it back and shake my bum . Soo many men confront women in such kind of ways . But who should we blame . Yes women our self's . Letting a brotha put their hand anywhere and any way they'd like. Let them know your more then a piece of pie . We're more then what they can have . Matter a fact they should earn and trust you will get respect in return .See when you carry your self as a lady a man will see all you have to offer . But when your presented as a hoe then you should know how weak you have become . This when the man has won what i call the sex battle .


STOP! let me clear my mind . Rewind the time you played wit my emotions .
Let me go un-mute speak about all the devotion i gave to you . UMMM your so
pathetic , sorry and low . [Calling me a hoe ]. You must not know what your mother can be.
Let me be free , away from you is all i wanna do . You got some nerve treating me the way you do . After all the good loving i gave to you . Should i blame me ? no i won't doubt myself .
To the left To the left , noo no to the right . Pack all ya s**t outta my sight . Paid for all your suga honey ice tea making me believe all ya lies . " NAW BABE THOSE ARE YA PURPLE PANTIES , THEY GOT MIXED IN WIT MY WHITES AND TURNED PINK". So you thing , you so dumb thinking i wouldn't know.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[POETRY] the way i feel

"I'M not a video game You can't put me on pause then play me . Disappearing for a week Then coming back calling me your baby . Jumping down my throat bout the lil I do . But you been gone for all this time how do I know you being true I guess you went on a mission for some 'crunch' or some 'good' . That's why you had to spend a week in the hood . If you would've have called everything would have been all good . Guess them pills you been popping don't have you acting the way you should . Got me sitting in this damn house looking stupid .Wish I never got shot by that damn angel called cupid . Just know that I'm sitting in the living room Waiting for you to come chill Just so I can tell you The way I feel. "


A diagnosis of nosocomial infection indicates that the patient’s normal line of defense has once
again been compromise. Hospitalization of any aged person increases the risk for them to have
a urinary indwelling catheter, which predisposes them to a nosocomial urinary tract infection.
Nurses are responsible for placing and maintaining the urinary catheter system. Including
cleaning and other tasks. Routine care of the catheter is often delegated to nonlicensed
personnel. Inadequate placement and care from the beginning may contribute to increased
infection rates

Standardizing the education, training, and orientation of new nursing staff on proper urinary
catheter placement and care can have an impact on patient outcomes. Assessment of current
staff competency and reeducation is a time- consuming and costly venture but is essential to
ensure continuing skill of nurses in urinary catheter care. (Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Inc.
2006). Hence the Betty Neuman System Model primary prevention (health promotion) is
where the stressor has not penetrated the normal line of defense and has not produced any
signs and symptoms. (Neuman, 2002).

Post 13

Mrs. Wilson is a 35 year old secretary been divorced for 3 years and has two sons;

she has some superficial slashes on her wrists. History and Physical reports states that

Mrs. Wilson has become more and more depressed after terminating a 2 year relationship

with a married man 4 weeks ago. For 3 years after her divorce, Mrs. Wilson talked

constantly about not being pretty or not good enough and doubted that anyone could

really love her. She is about 20 pounds overweight stays awake late into the night

drinking by herself and watching television, she sleeps through most of the day on the

weekends. I started to assess Mrs. Wilson, today she is dressed in a wrinkled blouse,

skirt stained, dirty socks and wears no sneakers.