Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When Im Alone

..5o wen im all by ma lonely i katch ma5elf in a vakant park where no one but me i5 in exi5tance.. TrouBle5, ProBlem5, Hate, nd Drama i5 out of 5ight nd out of mind.. Thi5 view i5 impekable nothing kan kompare.. Ma atmo5phere i5 filled with the fragrance of the 5weete5t 5en5i imaginable.. 5uddenly the thought of u flood5 my Brain greatly.. A5 the wind blow5 in my direktion.. It karrie5 your e5sence nd wut 5eems to be your 5oul fill5 my anatomy with a feeling i've neva felt before.. A5 day fall5 nd night kome5 my phy5ikal i5 kraving your phy5ikal more nd more in hope that they will 5oon bekome one again.. A5 i begin to wlk my feet drag toward5 your direktion.. I find my5elf 5itting at a lake5ide 5taring at ma reflektion in the water at my feet.. Mirakulou5ly an image of u nd i appear5 a5 if u were there in my arm5 the whole time.. It feel5 5o real i don't wanna leave but i mu5t.. 5o wen im all by my lonely i find my5elf in a vakant park i hear H.I.S kalling my name.. It5 the 5weete5t 5ound my ear5 have eva kaptured.. It deafen5 me with love.. All i kan do i5 klo5e ma eye5 nd think of H.I.M 5ome more.....

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