Wednesday, June 3, 2009


[Brittnee] i am fun =]. Out going. Love musiq.[first love so far has never broken my heart] [SINGLE::NEGATIVE . Love to shop. Want to own a closet full of [COACH ]. love to eat. Favorite color = [GREEN] . [POETIC JUSTICE] has been number 1 on my movie list followed by [LOVE a BASKETBALL] .dnt eat 2 much sweets. would love to travel the world some day . Build my life on a mountain . Visit all the great wonders of the world . have two children [ 10 years from now] Get high on a cloud .... imposible . Shake the hands of my black president AND [PARTY WIT WAYNE] . oh yeah im jamaican . [MUCH LOVE] Goofy enjoy the fun things in life and apreciate thos who brightens my smile =].::Ordinary:: one of a kind ... trust you will never find another like me. ::Love:: you if you love me back , very caring , kind and genuine. ::Honesty:: i should recieve from you and you will recieve the same from me.::Willing:: to give you my all and everything above as long as you keep ::Anger:: away from me i will stay and never leave .......

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