Wednesday, June 3, 2009


A diagnosis of nosocomial infection indicates that the patient’s normal line of defense has once
again been compromise. Hospitalization of any aged person increases the risk for them to have
a urinary indwelling catheter, which predisposes them to a nosocomial urinary tract infection.
Nurses are responsible for placing and maintaining the urinary catheter system. Including
cleaning and other tasks. Routine care of the catheter is often delegated to nonlicensed
personnel. Inadequate placement and care from the beginning may contribute to increased
infection rates

Standardizing the education, training, and orientation of new nursing staff on proper urinary
catheter placement and care can have an impact on patient outcomes. Assessment of current
staff competency and reeducation is a time- consuming and costly venture but is essential to
ensure continuing skill of nurses in urinary catheter care. (Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Inc.
2006). Hence the Betty Neuman System Model primary prevention (health promotion) is
where the stressor has not penetrated the normal line of defense and has not produced any
signs and symptoms. (Neuman, 2002).

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