Thursday, June 4, 2009


STOP! let me clear my mind . Rewind the time you played wit my emotions .
Let me go un-mute speak about all the devotion i gave to you . UMMM your so
pathetic , sorry and low . [Calling me a hoe ]. You must not know what your mother can be.
Let me be free , away from you is all i wanna do . You got some nerve treating me the way you do . After all the good loving i gave to you . Should i blame me ? no i won't doubt myself .
To the left To the left , noo no to the right . Pack all ya s**t outta my sight . Paid for all your suga honey ice tea making me believe all ya lies . " NAW BABE THOSE ARE YA PURPLE PANTIES , THEY GOT MIXED IN WIT MY WHITES AND TURNED PINK". So you thing , you so dumb thinking i wouldn't know.

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